Twas the night before Christmas…

The family and I have travelled home for Christmas to spend the holiday period with our friends and family. For the second year in a row, I’ve organised a big gaming get together with all of my old… Read More

Races of the Hollow Earth: Fomorians

Fomorians are humanoids who live in the permafrost of the north of the Hollow Earth. Once they lived on the surface, and were the enemies of the elves, whom they fought for control of Ireland. Their leader, Balor,… Read More

Races of the Hollow Earth: Demihumans

And God said, Let vs make man in our Image, after our likenesse: and let them haue dominion ouer the fish of the sea, and ouer the foule of the aire, and ouer the cattell, and ouer all… Read More

Henchman Rules for LotFP

In my game I supplement the rules for henchmen in LotFP with the following rules taken from AD&D 1e – these rules (or more likely, the 1981 B/X D&D interpretation of them) seem to be assumed by LotFP… Read More

Coins of the English Civil War in LotFP

This article was originally written for players in my own LotFP campaign, set in the English Civil War, starting with the England Upturn’d module. Lamentations of the Flame Princess is distinguished from other D&D variants in that it… Read More

What is a long campaign in Lamentations of the Flame Princess?

My LotFP group just wrapped up what will likely be the last session of our regular LotFP campaign of 2018. Our game is played via Roll20 as we are split between three different countries these days, and generally… Read More

Going off-script in the Great Pendragon Campaign

I love King Arthur Pendragon. The Great Pendragon Campaign is central to the 5th edition of the game. The 5th edition rulebook presumes that your campaign will start in the reign of King Uther, and its character generation rules are geared accordingly…. Read More

What I’m Running

I’m presently running two regular campaigns: Lamentations of the Flame Princess – I am running a campaign set during a weird fantasy version of the English Civil War, built out of the excellent but often underrated/overlooked England Upturn’d… Read More