Posted on October 19, 2018
Better Maps by Better People
In my last post I mentioned that you can already find a lot of maps to run B1-9 In Search of Adventure. Some of these, by more talented artists than I, are available commercially through OneBookShelf (affiliate links ahoy – I get a commission if you buy these):
- B1 In Search of the Unknown Realistic Maps by John Pintar
- B2 Caves of Chaos Realistic Maps by John Pintar
- Iconic Encounters: B4 – the Lost City by P Daniel Johnson
- B5 Horror on the Hill Map Resource Kit by Daniel Pryor
- Iconic Encounters: B6 – The Veiled Society by P Daniel Johnson
Some other very talented artists have made their maps available for free:
- Palace of the Silver Princess
- Thorfinn Tait has made beautiful maps for Mystara, including virtually all of the overland maps, city maps, and town maps required for B1-9 In Search of Adventure.
That covers a lot of maps but still leaves me quite a few to draw myself with my limited ability! If you know of any other sources for the missing maps, free or paid, please let me know.